Top 10 Significant achievements of Andrew Jackson

Andrew Jackson, the seventh president of the United States, served for about 8 years from the year 1829 to 1837. He proved himself as an influential and an impactful president through his numerous achievements.

During the time he served, the nation was named as the Jacksonian Era or the Age of Jackson because of his commendable changes and steps.

There was also a great lead to democracy for the common men until slavery dominated in the year 1850.

The use of the Veto power based on the political grounds instead of the constitutional grounds is the most significant achievements of president Jackson.

Also, the forming of the Kitchen Cabinet, which included his dear friends and loyal journalists as the cabinet members was a significant achievement of his.

Top 10 significant achievements of Andrew Jackson are mentioned below with their details.

10. The first president to conduct a kitchen cabinet

Andrew Jackson was the first president to conduct an informal cabinet famously known as the Kitchen Cabinet consisting of a friendly group of advisers.

Though the congressional nomination did not support this kind of informal cabinet, Jackson still conducted it and got advises from the informal groups instead of the real cabinet.

The Kitchen Cabinet started after the forced resignation of all the members of the official cabinet. They were made to do so after the scandal, Petticoat affair where there was the considerable involvement of the officials and their gossiping wives.

President Jackson included his old friends from Tennessee, journalists, and loyal newspaper editors as the members of the Kitchen Cabinet. Their meetings involved smoking of pipes along with the exchange of ideas and advice which came out from the brilliant and clever men.

9. Embraced the power by using Vetoes

Andrew Jackson Embraced the power by using Vetoes

President Jackson used his veto power about 12 times during his presidency and vetoed the bills more than all the presidents before him.

According to the veto power, the presidents of the U.S could use the veto power if they are preventing the legislative branch from using too much power.

In such cases, presidents had rights to reject the legislation passed on by Congress.

Though there was a trend of using the veto power only in the cases of unconstitutional laws, Jackson used his veto power to declare bills against the political grounds instead of constitutional grounds. He was the 4th president to use the veto power. 

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One of the most significant vetoes of president Jackson was the rejection of a bill regarding the rechartering of the Second Bank of the US.

It is regarded as the most famous use of the pocket veto in the history of the United States.

8. Indian Removal Act – The Trail of Tears

achievements of Andrew Jackson Indian Removal Act - The Trail of Tears

President Jackson signed the law of the Indian Removal Act in the year 1830. He supported the right of the state of Georgia to force Indians from their land to the reservations in the West of the Mississippi River.

Though the Supreme Court had a rule which said the Native Americans could not be forced to move, Jackson signed the law of removal, which led to the Trail of Tears.

From the year 1838 to 1839, more than 15,000 Cherokees were led from Georgia to the reservations who tried to stop the relocation, and about 10,000 died during that march.

The deaths were mostly due to the exposure, disease, and starvation on the route.

This act to provide an exchange of land is referred to as a unitary act of systematic genocide which discriminated between the ethnic groups and led to the death of a massive population.

7. Played a leading role in  all white Males’ Right to Vote

Andrew Jackson played a huge role in generating a new rule for the White Males’ Right to vote.

Before Jackson, the U.S right to vote included the votes of the white male who were able to pay tax and had the property of their own. Many states in the United States had the same rule when it came to the right to vote.

After Andrew Jackson’s presidency, the right to vote took a slight change which was all the white male above the age of 21 including taxpayers and non-taxpayers with or without the property were allowed to vote.

The Universal white male suffrage was initiated in most of the states by the year 1850, which dropped the rule of owning property and paying tax to place a vote.

The rise of this new rule by Jackson led to better representation of all the citizen, including poor and rich in the United States.

6. Resolved the Nullification Crisis

Andrew Jackson Resolved the Nullification Crisis

Andrew Jackson played a vital role in resolving the Nullification Crisis that was going on during his presidency.

In the year 1832, a tariff into law was signed which was against an increasingly powerful national government, rising the sectional strife.

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In knowing so, the government of South Carolina decided on the nullification to ignore the law.

According to the Southerners, the tariff benefitted the northern industrialist with the expenses of southern farmers and the South Carolina objected it.

This led to various threats of secession and the ordinance of nullification from them.

The Ordinance of Nullification was about declaring the tariff ( 1833 ) void and null within the state borders. So, Jackson announced on using the military force to enforce the tariff.

Finally, the Compromise Tariff ( 1833 ) was declared and with this, there was no need of the force bill, and the Nullification was resolved on March 15, 1833.

5. Authorization of the US exploring expedition

In the year 1836, Andrew Jackson authorized the United States Exploring Expedition, which was an essential part of the growth of science in the US. 

The United States Exploring Expedition of the years 1838 to 1842 was surveying and exploring expedition of the Pacific Ocean. It also included the surrounding of the lands.

Though the original expedition was requested by President John Quincy Adams ( 1828 ), it was not funded by the congress. Jackson, after eight years (1836) created the expedition and then it was funded by congress and is famously known as U.S. Ex.Ex.

The expedition created by President Jackson played a vital role in the field of science, especially on the oceanographic part of the United States. It consisted of about 350 men working on one or more than one vessels.

The event also created some armed conflict between the expedition committee and the Pacific islanders with the death of a dozen natives and a few Americans.

4. Led the US forces in the Creek war against Native Americans

Led the US forces in the Creek war against Native Americans Andrew achievements

Andrew Jackson was successful in leading the US forces in the war against the Native Americans, which was famously known as the Creek War ( 1813 – 1814).

Jackson commanded creek war which was between the U.S state militias and the Red Sticks Creek people on the US side. The Red Sticks were supported by the Spanish government and the British traders.

Jackson’s force was formed with the Choctaw Nation and Cherokee Nation and some Creeks to bring down the rebellion.

This war is the part of the War of 1812, which was between Great Britain and the United States for Red Sticks being supported by the British.

The war came ended in the year 1814, with the surrender of more than 21 million acres by the Creek confederacy. 

3. Defeated the British at the battle of New Orleans

Defeated the British at the battle of New Orleans

Andrew Jackson is the only president serving both the Revolutionary War and the War of 1812. He had a significant role in defeating the British at the battle of New Orleans.

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In the War of 1812, Jackson was amongst the commanders renowned for their leadership, bravery, and success in the campaigns.

The most significant role of him was shown during his contribution at the Battle of New Orleans from January 8 – 18, 1815.

There were more than 5,000 soldiers on his side which led to a decisive victory over about 7,500 British force. The total casualties on the side of the British were around 2,037.

Andrew’s great contribution to the battle of New Orleans gave him national recognition which had a massive role in his selection as the president.

With his involvement, the battle of New Orleans proved to be one of the greatest land victories in the war and the land used is the largest muddy field.

2. Reduction of corruption in Government 

Andrew Jackson took numerous measures and planned campaigns to reduce corruption in government and the administration. 

Before Jackson’s presidency, there was a massive problem of corruption in the government and on every action taken by the administrations.

Jackson started with the regulatory investigations in every office and department of the executive Cabinets.

He also worked along with Congress on reforming the embezzlement laws, passing laws which prevented evasion of customs duties, reducing fraudulent applications for a federal pension, and improving the accounts of the government.

Working alongside Congress, president Jackson worked on shaping the laws and policies of the government and reducing the issue of corruption which was ongoing for a long time.

Many officials, including postmaster general, were made to resign from their posts for being involved in the corrupt practices and replaced them with more loyal and dedicated officials.

1. Founder of the modern democratic party

Andrew Jackson founded the modern Democratic Party which was initially known as the Democratic – Republic Party established by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison. He became the first democratic president with its foundation.

The party founded by Thomas and James separated and faded away during the 1820s, and that is when the establishment of the modern party – Democratic Party took place ( 1828 ).

The democratic party dealt with state sovereignty, limited government, the abolishment of slavery, and opposition of banks. Later, it also dealt with liberal social platforms.

Jackson established the party along with numerous other supporters with the objective of economic equality, the welfare state, fair government regulation in the economy, environmental protection, and support of labour and the unions.

The Democratic Party is regarded as one of the two significant political parties in America and the oldest political party in the world.


The mentioned achievements of Andrew Jackson have an impactful effect on the lives of people then and now.

From being the first president to enforce the democratic party to issuing the highest numbers of bills by using his veto power and being a part of the oldest battle, he has always been an influential figure both in political and in revolutionary aspect.

Other significant achievements besides the ones mentioned above include the Corrupt Bargain, Election of 1828 – Common Man, Creating a bank War, and increased trade.

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